I'm a lefty. The Detonics is not lefty friendly. Both controls are just wrong for us from the dark side. That said, I have small/medium sized hands and even right-handed I still can't reach the slide release on a 1911 with my right thumb. So, I've just learned to operate pistols left handed and adapt to the unfriendly controls. I really like the Detonics and although it's still sporting the plastic frame and slide it has been fitted with a PDI hammer, trigger, recoil rod, recoil bushing and 6.01 barrel as well as a Nine Ball hop rubber. It's an impressively accurate wee gun with a snappy recoil but, I still find the single side safety to be a pain. With that in mind I ordered a Guarder 1911 Dual-Safety. It comes without the connector rod - a small rectangle of metal that Guarder want $4 for - and it needs a dual safety hammer pin, an item I couldn't find anywhere. In short it didn't work and that project, like so many others, was shelved. Until that is I noticed an TM MEU safety with dual pin. I promtly ordered it. It arrived without said pin. I rechecked the advert and sure as fate, the one with the pin was the picture of the Nova safety. Damn. The Nova was ridiculous $64 plus postage. Back on the shelf.
I eventually sourced a pin set and got to work. First thing, the profile of the Detonic's safety lever is a custom cut down 'modern' 1911. The TM MEU safety uses an even newer type profile that doesn't lend itself to reprofiling into a Dual Detonics. Hacksaw and metal file applied to the Guarder set and it now looks right. There are a couple of issues though - a small triangular nick has to be made in the right side of the slide to accommodate the safety in 'on' position and the internal slide part of the right hand lever needs a tiny bit of filing out to allow the dual pin to lock in. It works a treat though and looks like a factory option. I'm well pleased with it.
On the lefty side, I have a couple of Berettas and you can switch the mag releases around to allow operation left handed. I did this and it felt really weird. So much so that I actually switched back - I've obviously got so used to operating it with its existing 'right hand' controls. Kind of like left handed scissors - they seem like a great idea until you try them and then realise I've spent over 40 years getting used to right handed ones!
Monday, 26 December 2011
Friday, 21 October 2011
Motivationally Challenged
Family issues are fair eating into my time leaving me tired and demotivated for anything bar sleep and killing things/driving really fast on the Xbox. Not to mention the brain melting SQL course and not getting the job I went for. And, I've still got a couple of iphone screens to fix.
As a result, the UMG is still sitting unfinished, the Dboys M4 CQB is still in bits after its AWS Stealth trigger/mosfet fit and I can't be bothered to look at fitting the other Stealth I've got into the Dboys SPR. And of course the Hi-Capas are languishing in the bottom of their storage box as well.
Still, off to Landwarrior tomorrow to pick up a gun and some bits for 'projects' - mainly a nozzle and trigger for the UMG.
Saturday, 15 October 2011
TM Type 89 - 345fps with NiMH and Lipo
I love my TM Type 89. I've added the dual fire selector lever and a top rail. Unfortunately, I should have waited for the folding stock version rather than jumping in both feet as soon as the standard one arrived at a UK retailer. But, hey ho, such is life.
With standard TM fps and typical TM accuracy it is an above average skirmishing tool. The three round burst is very nice. But, it seemed a bit underpowered compared to its M4 relatives. Now, I know fps isn't everything but a quick dismantle and reassembly with a more 'suitable' spring has it firing at an equivalent 345fps with 0.2bbs - I normally use biodegradables, nominally 0.25g but they actually weigh 0.243g.
Anyhoo, this upgrade had a detrimental effect on rate-of-fire and, since there is no way to get a 9.6v stick battery in the foregrip the only other solution was a lipo of some sort. I hunted quite extensively for some options and finally settled on a 7.4v Firefox 1,600mAh 20C from RSOV - probably not the best in quality but I can't say I've had any problems with them (that weren't caused by me that is). After charging up my standard 8.4V 1,500mAh NiMH battery and the new lipo we were ready to go. With the NiMH rof was around 640rpm (10.7rps) and with the Lipo around 775rpm (just under 13rps) - quite a difference I could get a 1,600mAh NiMH which would probably increase the 10.7rps by a slight margin but based on the fact that NiMH voltage drops of much quicker than lipo voltage I'm going to go with the lipos.
Unfortunately, due to the cable attachment, they don't fit in an MP5K or PDW - shame. They will fit my UMGs but will probably need some padding as they could rattle about. Overall though I'm very impressed with the Firefox lipos which were $17.99 + postage ($6 if you order just one).V
Friday, 14 October 2011
Hi-Capa Woes
I like Hi-Capas. I have four. Three Marui and a WE. The only one working is the WE. Two of the Maruis are stripped down to the slide and the third is complete - just not working. It looks the mutts nuts though. You see, I made the mistake of upgrading. Now, there's nothing wrong with that but pistols, it appears, do not like me. My black hi-capa, the complete one, has a Guarder black steel barrel, a Guarder black recoil rod, a Davidson Custom slide, a Tanio Koba grip, black trigger and black hammer. Internally it has a PDI Raven barrel and a Nine Ball hop rubber. It should be a the ultimate combat machine. Except... the steel barrel has worn down the aluminium slide where it picks up the barrel to return it to battery. As a result the barrel is picked up a millimetre or so late and promptly jams the thing. Same with the other two, a nice dual stainless 4.3 and a silver 5.1. Minor problems causing the barrels to jam the slides. I've spent hours on them and have now got past the can't be arsed stage. From now on I'm taking the same approach I had with my TM Glock, new internal barrel (usually a PDI 6.01), new hop. Same slide, same outer barrel. It works fine and is more accurate than standard but just a reliable. Basically anything that moves at high speed is staying standard.
Serendipitiously, a Tanio Koba Hi-Capa grip in OD arrived by mistake from eHobbyasia. It should have been a Glock OD frame. It must be fate. I'm already envisaging a black 4.3 with OD grip - which allows it to fit in a Blackhawk Serpa. The slide and barrel stay standard. I'll put a PDI palsonite 6.01 internal barrel in it though or perhaps a PDI Raven 6.01 and a Nine Ball hop rubber of course... Maybe an extended slide release. Oh, and a dual safety...
Thursday, 13 October 2011
UMG Project. Prequel.
I always fancied an HK UMP but at the time G&G ones were just too expensive to buy on a whim. This reason hadn't actually stopped me before but when I saw DE UMG on Landwarrior's website for £100 I had to take a look. I'd read the reviews of Double Eagle's take on the UMP and most agreed that it was a clone of the G&G and out of the box it wasn't a sterling performer. Specifically, the hop was pants and needed replacing and the motor was a bit slow. It didn't sound like a big job, so I stumped up the cash for the gun and a couple of spare magazines and headed home.
On testing the gun at home there were indeed several issues. True to the review the hop was rubbish and appeared to be fully on even at its lowest setting sending bbs skyward within a short distance. The rate of fire was as suspected pretty poor. The last thing was that the bolt cover kept jamming when you tried to open it. Not all the time but enough to be annoying. I quickly discovered that the UMG is the easiest gun ever to dismantle. No tools required, remove the rear pin, hold the hop forward against its spring to clear the gearbox nozzle and hey presto the gun is in two parts. The upper has the barrel and hop unit and the lower contains the gear box which with little effort and removal of a second pin can be taken out completely. A slight turn of the hop unit and it and the barrel slides out of the upper receiver.
The bolt was an easy fix and a small piece of plastic card glued on the inside solved the problem and it works fine to this day. It was suggested that replacing the hop unit would solve that issue but I thought, "Why not try and fix the current one?". I quickly had it in bits and after some experimentation out came the needle files and I carefully reprofiled the groove in the lever that the presses down on the hop up nub. The motor was dumped and a G&P M120 motor installed. From the start of reading the manual to having the whole thing back together was less than an hour. It worked like a charm, the bolt worked fine, rate of fire was much more to my taste and turned out to be surprisingly accurate. I was well chuffed and rate the gun as one of my favourites despite being one of the cheapest.
Other mods just kind of happened as I lived with the gun. One thing I found is that the nice rubberised plastic finish wears off but to be fair did lend it a somewhat battle worn look until that is I accidentally exposed it to DEET based insect repellent. It melts into a sticky goo. This was basically from my face against the stock. I cleaned it off with some alcohol and put on a piece of neoprene foam tape to cover the shiny part. Works great and looks pretty cool.
After a short time I'd decided a silencer was needed and ordered the expensive but nice G&G one. It arrived and it was at that point I realised that clone meant close but not identical. It didn't fit. Bugger. No problem thinks I and ordered a G&G barrel to replace the clone one. That'll work. However, that, "close but not identical" hit again. The barrels used different fittings. Double bugger. The silencer did come with a threaded fitting to allow it to be fitted to a gun with a 14mm CCW barrel thread. All I need to do was turn down and thread the DE barrel on my lathe and - wait, don't have a lathe. Hmmn. Do have an electric drill and a file though. Some time and a great deal of patience later it was the correct profile. I eventually tracked down a 14mm CCW die for significantly less than the kings ransom they seemed to want for one in the UK and... it now takes a G&G silencer.
The gun now sports a Magpul angled foregrip which this time fitted perfectly first time. No, don't be stupid, of course it didn't. You see, a wanted the angled foregrip and the original UMP front end sling points. Some more patience - and a Dremel - and it fits.
Finally (really?) after seeing a chap's outstanding effort in painting the top frame in OD mine also has an OD top frame with the sights, rails and pins left black. It was a right pain in trying to get the rubberised finish off until I remembered the insect repellent. It did a grand job. As did most of a can of OD Krylon.
To top it off the gun has been fitted with a clone C-More red-dot sight, all the sling points have been fitted with paracord loops for easier sling attachment and two of the mags have the slide on G&G magazine link things.
It's finished. So far.
UMG Project. Part 1
So, lets be clear. It's a Heckler & Koch UMP - Universale Maschinepistole - but, to G&G Armaments and Double Eagle, its a UMG - Univeral Machinegun - it's a copyright/trademark thingy.
Yes, I know I already have one of these. Your point is? Anyway, the old one is a DE one. The new one is a G&G. Or, I should say the new one is a G&G outer - basically the complete gun with a gutted gearbox for £58. The original plan was to build a custom gearbox as cheaply as possible and scrounge bits from the parts box. I was pretty sure I had a set of gears, several cylinders, a couple of piston sets, a selection of main springs and some 6mm metal bushes kicking about. I promptly ordered the rest but with an AK trigger rather than a UMP one. Why for? Well, I could get a UMP trigger but a V3 gearbox trigger actually is a two piece afair and the UMP trigger is just the trigger part. I'll buy the UMP trigger later. Of course, I discovered that the bushes had done a runner and I needed to order a set of those as well. They've now arrived and all the parts are here waiting to be installed. Here's the list.
Original G&G gearbox shell
G&P M120 motor
Lees Precision Engineering 6mm bushes
Guarder Polcarbonate Piston
Guarder Cut-off lever
Guarder Enhanced Tappet Plate
Element Gearbox Spring set
Element Silent Cyliner Head
SHS Spring Guide
Deep Fire AK trigger set
G&P M120 motor
Lees Precision Engineering 6mm bushes
Guarder Polcarbonate Piston
Guarder Cut-off lever
Guarder Enhanced Tappet Plate
Element Gearbox Spring set
Element Silent Cyliner Head
SHS Spring Guide
Deep Fire AK trigger set
In addition we have, a Gearset, nozzle, polycarbonate piston head, trigger switch and an AWS mosfet. And, a spring, either an SP90 or SP100.
And, Plan B. Just in case none of this shit works I ordered a complete G&G gearbox posted from WGC for a mere £81. :) It was half price. Resistance was futile.
The First Step.
"Hi, my name is John, and I'm an airsoft addict."
It didn't start off that way. I'd like to think it started off slow and gradually degenerated into the obsessive, compulsive hobby/lifestyle that it now is. Truth be told, I was spellbound the moment I opened up the box containing my first electric airsoft gun - a Tokyo Marui Heckler & Koch MP7A1. An AEP (automatic electric pistol) in airsoft parlance it came as a complete kit; gun, battery and charger as well as a couple of spare bags of bbs.
Open the box, charge the battery. Ready to bring mayhem to the back garden, I loaded up the black bbs - they seemed like a good idea at the time - and let rip. Was it firing?. Don't know. Hmmn. Severe IQ failure ensued. Hand in front of barrel. Pulled trigger. Automatic mind, none of this semi-auto nonsense. By eck it hurt!!! What a fanny... I still couldn't keep the grin off my face..
I was like a crack addict after their first hit. Hooked, and on the fast track to complete addiction.
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